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Etiket: Görsel Düzenleyici
29. satır: 29. satır:
you are immune to get controled or role blocked
you are immune to get controled or role blocked
you will be susp if you attack someone same night
kill every one who oposses you
kill every one who oposses you
sherrif:you cannot find evidence of wrong-doing seems innocent
investigator your target is juggernaut or dark mage

22.16, 5 Mayıs 2020 itibarı ile sayfanın şu anki hâli

DARK MAGE neutral:chaos

attack:basic defance:basic


you will start the game with a basic defance and a basic attack

you may sellect to blast your targets or chare your attack or deffance

if you sellect an target you will use a attack and blast an target

its like,if you attack some one with basic attack your attack will lowered to none

if you sellect your self you will charge your defance

its like,none to basic to powerfull to invincible

if you dont do anything at night you will charge your attack

its like,none to basic to powerfull to unstopable

if you get attacked at night you will use a defance

its like, when you get atacked with basic defance your defance will get lowerd to none unless you charge your defance

if you charge your defance and get attacked and your defance enough to defend that attack you dont lose your defance aslo do not gain a defance


you are immune to get controled or role blocked


kill every one who oposses you


sherrif:you cannot find evidence of wrong-doing seems innocent

investigator your target is juggernaut or dark mage